Hello, I'm Daniel

I'm a first year CS student at UNLV.

part time film critic, music enthusiast, and video game connoisseur

Some of quotes from my favorite media:


Lord of the Rings Esoteric Language

A TypeScript Esolang. Over winter break I started rereading the Lord of the Rings trilogy and decided to pursue developing a language. While developing I learned how to use tokenizers, lexers, parsers, and evaluations to incoporate variables and functions to the language.

The Lonely Wizard

A Unity Game developed with C#. After my first Computer Science course at UNLV, I found the courage to work on game development during winter break. After brainstorming, I decided to incoporate elements from my favorite rouge-like games such as Risk of Rain 2 and Hades. Amidst the process, I learned and understood simple basics from a player controller to incoporating enemy tracking and attacks. Additionally with upcoming updates, I plan to eventually release to Steam.


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Javascript, HTMl, CSS

I have significant experience using JavasScript, HTML, and CSS in order to create web pages and applications. Including a freeCodeCamp certification.

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With over a year of experience in C++ for school and terminal projects. Working on algorithms, pointers, recursion, and polymorphism.

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I am currently applying my knowledge to create a website that incorporates Django's backend framework including with BeautifulSoup in order to webscrape for user information.

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My experience with C# comes hand in hand with Unity game development. I quickly gained interest after overcoming certain challenges. I am currently taking a break from my 2D Top Down Shooter, The Lonely Wizard. However, I am hopeful for an upcoming Steam release.

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My experience with TypeScript comes with the similarity to JavaScript. Additionally, the experience I gained from working on the LOTR esolang gave me insight into the inner makings of an transpiled language.

Additional Skills

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