
Developed an esoteric language based on a small Lord of the Rings phase from winter 2024.

February 2024.

A code snippet of the LOTR esolang


Creating an esoteric language gave me real insight to certain aspects that all langauges contain. Adding that this was my first time using TypeScript, it was a much need benefit as using types throughout the development was helpful in regard to literals, evaluations, and the lexing process.

Through this project, I created a process with a lexer and parser in order to interpret and evaluate statements. All of these different functions are highlighted on my Github each in their own scripts.


In winter break, I underwent a bit of a Lord of the Rings phase where I reread all three books and watched the movies many times over. Due to this and because of my CS202 class at UNLV in which I was learning some more advanced C++ techniques. I was really interested in preprocessor directives and learning to reword certain parts of C++ in order to “create a new language”. This itself was not that impressive so I attempted to use this information and compile it with TypeScript to develop a new esolang.