Game Development

Designed a 2d rogue-like shooter game over winter break.

February 2024.

Showcasing the video game in development.


Creating The Lonely Wizard provided a difficult challenging not just for programming but also conceptually and design. Certain aspects such as the game’s design and what type of art style played a major role.

In the end I decided to use some assets from Unity’s store in order to stick to learning how to develop a 2d game. This led me to learn such things as enemy AI and how to incorporate a player’s stats which different states such as walking, taking damage, and attacking.

Throughout the process of developing The Lonely Wizard I underwent many challenges specifically when developing the physics for the enemy AI to target the player. This mainly was a problem due to the animations that were being played. To solve this challenge I utilized Unity’s abiltiy to use functions during animations to solve this distracting issues.